Looking back, now that time has healed everything, it seems quite silly--but back then, having my boyfriend tell me he didn't love me anymore, felt like having the whole world come tumbling over and crushing me.
He said that he had been doing some thinking--that he was sorry, but he didn't feel the same way he used to; that he didn't want to hurt me but it was over between us.
I had no idea--I was so sure of his love for me. I thought this was it! This time it was the real thing and we were living the dream of love.
He said we could be friends--but I couldn't because I loved him like I've never loved before and I didn't want to be just friends.
Soon after he told me he was in love with my best friend and he hoped I would be able to help to get them together. He said his feelings for her were so strong, and he knew they were meant to be. And I really don't know how I managed to sit there and have him convince me that I should help him get the girl of his dreams.
Because we worked together, we saw each other and every day was worse that the one before. Not a day would pass by that I wouldn't hide in some corner to cry all my dissappointments away, suffering the pain of loss and rejection.
We were going to go to another city to do a program for children and bring clothes and shoes. We had been planning this trip for a while and we were both part of the team--I would have given anything to be able to back out and not go. But I had to go; so I put my best face, tried to be strong and fake the smiles and the laughter, for the children's sake.
It was right on my birthday--and I just knew that this would be the worse day of my life!
We went to visit a home for handicapped children. All of us stood at the door, as the director showed us into a living room where some kids were sitting waiting for us. The door on the other end opened and some more kids came in, and then from behind a little girl with bangs and sweet brown eyes, came running in. She rushed from the other side of the room, straight into my arms. Instinctively I caught her and swept her up into a hug, as she rested her head on my shoulder.
This little angel, who had never seen me in her life, spotted me out of the crowd and jumped into my arms--to remind me that love is there when you need it the most.

That one little act of love turned what started as a miserable day, into one of the happiest birthdays of my life. There's a song by the Beatles that says
"All you need is love"--how true!