Volunteer work is my life--I grew up doing it, hearing about it, meeting people who were volunteers and missionaries; I've been surrounded by people from this line of work ever since the beginning of time.
In Europe I've worked with a few different organizations, C4C in Czech Repubblic, Per un Mondo Migliore in Croatia, CCC in Romania, MMSZ and Szeretet a Válasz here in Hungary, just to name a few.
I recently met the founder of one of the biggest charity foundations in Romania. I had often heard of him and his wife thru' friends and other volunteers, but I hadn't met him personally. The foundation they run is called "Little People" and they have been working in Romania for the past 14 years. They are of course, very successful, and have lots of projects and volunteers, sponsors, big productions, and Katie Rizvi was awarded last year as "Woman of the Year 2009" in Romania. I hope you get to visit their webpage and discover the wonderful work they do.
When I met Shajjad Risvi, I told him of the "humble" work I do in Budapest: my visits to the hospitals, teaching English once a week in the orphanage and helping the homeless alongside the MMSZ. Compared to Shajjad and Katie's asociation, my projects are "low-key" and hardly spectacular. But Shajjad was interested in the projects I am working on and he said
"Wow, that's amazing! You are a superstar!"
and that day I did feel like a superstar! I came home and told Eden about meeting the founder of the "Little People" asociation and how he made me feel wonderful about the work we do.
This is the motto of "Little People:
“Little people” doing “little things” that make a big difference!
How true, it is the little people, who by doing little things turn out to be the superstars! Shajjad and Katie are among the brightest!