Life is always easier when there’s someone by your side! I have Nell. She is soon to be 15, a Scorpio with a great personality.
We are very much like Don Quixote and his faithful squad. We fight giants and windmills together, and go in incredible adventures to the end of the world.
She is a wonderful girl, and a terrific friend. I wouldn’t be able to do half of what I do if it wasn’t for her. You see, she is Hungarian and translates for me whenever I get stuck with the difficult words. She also has a good memory and when we play guitar she tells me which chord comes next. She reminds me to write and visit people, and is always there when I need her help—in the kitchen, or labeling boxes, teaching kids a play, or bringing in the laundry when it starts pouring outside.
She is one in a million, and brings sunshine wherever she goes.
Thank you Nell, for being so wonderful!