Last summer we took a trip to a village in the south of Hungary to perform in the local Cultural Center, with our puppet theatre and our clown act. In the evening we stayed in a building that was partly a day-care center. It was really hot and we didn’t have fans or air conditioniting. Jeannette, one of the teen girls was complaining about the heat and she said we would all die. Danci told her "we will all die someday” and I said "Yes, but some of us would have lead happier lives…”
I wasn’t trying to be profound or poetic, I just thought of bringing a little humor into the conversation. But I thought about it a lot ever since, how we all will be gone one day and all that matters, more than accomplishments and climbing the ladder of success, is to lead happy lives—by following our dreams, wherever they might lead us. If we all have a mission, and we do, then it’s our duty to find out what that mission is and find the road that will lead us to the destination that we were meant to reach. And of course, everyone has a different mission, but I think that love is meant to be present in everyone’s journey and love will be our binding link and help us to find the happiness we seek .